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Kali Linux A to Z Commands

kali linux, kali linux commands, linux commands, chmod, chmod 777, bash script, ifconfig, linux find, grep command, scp linux, remove directory linux, linux find file, lsof, kali nethunter, unzip linux, fsck, grep linux, rename file linux, chmod recursive, grep command in linux, chmod 755, kali linux virtualbox, find command in linux, kill process linux, dmesg, chown command, chmod linux, linux sed, chmod command, systemctl list services, ps aux, useradd, cat linux, linux list users, sudo command, delete directory linux, traceroute linux, cp linux, chown linux, linux terminal, tar command, basic linux commands, online linux terminal, linux delete file, linux copy file, sudo apt update, vim save and quit, linux rename, usermod, linux create user, bash alias, modprobe, kali linux android, kali linux nethunter, docker exec bash, copy directory linux, cat command in linux, linux ls, ls command, linux shutdown command, bash script example, cp command in linux, setfacl, ipconfig linux, find command, linux cut, linux ln, vmstat, cp command, bash commands, lsblk, linux find file by name, ubuntu create user, scp command in linux, ip route add, ls command in linux, tail linux, echo linux, linux tee, linux command line, linux version command, linux bash, linux create file, linux alias, sysctl, ubuntu terminal, grub rescue commands, chmod command in linux, ntpdate, tar command in linux, rename directory linux, chkconfig, netstat linux, chattr, rename folder linux, curl linux, kali linux 2020, linux dd, vim save, linux ps, for loop in shell script, pkill, linux du, linux commands pdf, ubuntu commands, mv linux, linux sudo, wget linux, mv command in linux, cd command in linux, linux terminal commands, mkdir linux, top command in linux, iptables save, copy command in linux, umount, lsof command, delete folder linux, shell linux, sed command in linux, zip folder linux, linux copy, ps command in linux, linux shutdown, linux sort, rm linux, mkfs, useradd linux, awk command in linux, copy folder linux, tee command, change user linux, linux df, lsof port, ubuntu update command, linux reboot command, linux memory usage, apt remove, dd command, pwd linux, create directory linux, linux kill, unzip gz file linux, fsck linux, tail command, lsusb, tail command in linux, df command in linux, mv command, unzip ubuntu, du linux, remove folder linux, linux disk usage, linux zip command, chmod 600, unzip command in linux, iwconfig, linux restart command, create symbolic link linux, touch command in linux, linux find text in files, kali linux raspberry pi, shell script tutorial, debian ifconfig, chown command in linux, linux shell script, linux nohup, wc linux, fdisk linux, sed delete line, ls hidden files, find directory linux, lsb_release, curl command in linux, linux find exec, reboot linux, linux commands list, linux screen command, lsmod, linux ifconfig, echo command in linux, linux search for file, journalctl tail, pwd command in linux, ps command, ubuntu version command, sudo without password, create symlink linux, top command, du command in linux, ln command, systemctl restart, chmod 644, linux remove file, insmod, ifconfig command, install deb file ubuntu, linux tr, linux script, linux time command

1. apropos :- Search help manual pages (man-k)
2. apt-get :- Search for and install software packages (Debian)
3. aptitude :- Search for and install software packages (Debian)
4. aspell :- Spell checker
5. awk :- Find and replace text, database sort/validate/index

1. basename :- Strip directory and suffix from file name (s)
2. bash :- GNU bourne-again shell
3. bc :- Arbitrary precision calculator language
4. bg :- Sent to background
5. break :- Exit from a loop
6. builtin :- Run a shell builtin
7. bzip2 :- Compress or decompress named file (s)
1. cal:- Display a calendar
2. case :- Conditionally perform a command
3. cat :- Concatenate and print (Display) the content of files
4. cd :- Change directory
5. efdisk :- Partition table manipulator for linux
6. chgrp :- Change group ownership
7. chmod :- Change access permission
8. chown :- Change file owner and group
9. chroot :- Run a command with a different root directory
10. chkconfig :- System service (Run level)
11. cksum :- Print CRC checksum and byte counts
12. clear :- To clear terminal screen
13. cmp :- Compare two files
14. comm :- Compare two sorted files line by line
15. command :- Run a command-ignoring shell functions
16. continue :- Resume the next iteration of a loop
17. cp :- Copy one or more files to another location
18. cron :- Daemon to execute scheduled commands
19. crontab :- Schedule a command to run at a later time
20. csplit :- Split a file into context-determined pieces
21. cut :- Divide a file into several parts
1. data :- Display or change the date and time
2. dc :- Desk calculator
3. dd :- Convert and copy a file, write disk headers, boot records
4. ddrescue :- Data recovery tool
5. declare :- Declare variabes and give them attributes
6. df :- Display free disk space
7. diff :- Display the difference between two files
8. diff3 :- Show difference among three files
9. dig :- DNS lookup
10. dir :- Briefly list directory content
11. dircolors :- Colour setup for (ls)
12. dirname :- Convert a full part to just a path
13. dirs :- Display list of remembered directories
14. dmesg :- Print kernel driver messages
15. du :- Estimate file size usage
1. echo:- Display message on screen
2. egrep :- Search file (s) for lines that match an extended expression
3. eject :- Eject removable media
4. enable :- Enable and disable builtin shell commands
5. env :- Environment variables
6. ethtool :- Ethernet card settings
7. eval :- Evalute several commands/arguments
8. erec :- Excute a command
9. exit :- Exit the shell
10. expect :- automate arbitrary applications
11. expand :- Convert tabs to spaces
12. export :- Set an environment variable
13. expr :- Evalute expressions

1. false :- Do nothing, unsuccessfully
2. fdformate :- Low=level format a floppy disk
3. fdisk :- Partition table manipulator for linux
4. fg :- Send job to foreground
5. fgrep :- Seach file (s) for lines that match a fixed string
6. file :- Determine file type
7. find :- Search for a file that meet a desired criteria
8. fmt :- Reformat paragraph text
9. fold :- Wrap text to fit a specified width
10. for :- Expand words and execute commands
11. format :- Format disks or tapes
12. free :- Display memory usages
13. fsck :- File system consistency check and repair
14. ftp :- File transfer protocol
15. function :- Define function macros
16. fuser :- Identify or kill the process that is accessing a file

1. gawk :- Find and replace text within file (s)
2. getapts :- Parse positional parameters
3. grep :- Search file (s) for lines that match a given pattern
4. groupadd :- Add a user security group
5. groupdel :- Delete a group
6. groupmod :- Modify a group
7. groups :- Print group names and users is in
8. gzip :- Compress or decompress named file (s)

1. hash :- Remember the full path name of a name argument
2. head :- Output the first part of a file (s)
3. help :- Display help for a built-in command
4. history :- Command history
5. hostname :- Print or set system name

1. iconv :- Convert the character set of a file
2. id :- Print user and group i'd's
3. if :- Conditionally perform a command
4. ifconfig :- Configure a network interface
5. ifdown :- Stop a network interface
6. ifup :- Start a network interface up
7. import :- Capture an X server screen and save the image to file
8. install :- Copy files and set attributes

1. jobs :- List active jobs
2. join :- Join lines on a command field

1. kill :- Stop a process from running
2. killall :- Kill processes by name

1. less :- Display output one screen at a time
2. let :- Perform arithmetic on shell variables
3. in :- Create a symbolic link to file
4. local :- Create Variables
5. locate :- Find files
6. logname :- Print current login name
7. logout :- Exit a login shell
8. look :- Display lines begining with a given string
9. lpc :- Line printer control program
10. lpr :- Offline print
11. lprint :- Print a file
12. lprintd :- Abort a file job
13. lprintq :- List the print queue
14. lprm :- Remove jobs from the print queue
15. ls :- list information about file (s)
16. lsof :- List open files

1. make :- Recompile a group of programs
2. man :- Help manual
3. mkdir :- Create new folder (s)
4. mkfifo :- Make FIFOs (named pipes)
5. mkisofs :- Create an hybrid ISO9660/JOLJET/HFS file system
6. mknod :- Make block or character special files
7. more :- Display output one screen at a time
8. mount :- Mount a file system
9. mtools :- Manipulate MS-DOS files
10. mtr :- network diagnostics (traceroute/ping)
11. mv :- move or rename files of directories
12. mmv :- Mass move and rename files

1. netstat :- Networking Information
2. nice :- Set the priority of a command or job
3. nl :- Number lines and write files
4. nohup :- Run a command immune to hangups
5. notify-send :- Send desktop notifications
6. nslookup :- Query internet name servers interactively

1. open :- Open a file in its default application
2. op :- Operator access

1. passwd :- Modify a user password
2. paste :- Merge lines of files
3. pathchk :- Check file name portability
4. ping :- Test a network connection
5. pkill :- Stop processes from running
6. popd :- Restore the previous value of the current directory
7. pr :- Prepare files for printing
8. printcap :- Printer capability database
9. printenv :- Print environment variables
10. printf :- Format and print data
11. ps :- Process status
12. pushd :- Save and then change the current directory
13. pwd :- Print working directory

1. quota :- Display disk usage and Limits
2. quotacheck :- Scan a file system for disk usage
3. quotactl :- Set disk quotas

1. ram :- Ram disk device
2. rcp :- Copy files between two machines
3. read :- Read a line from standard input
4. readarray :- Read from stdin into an array variable
5. readonly :- Mark variables/functions as read only
6. reboot :- Reboot the system
7. rename :- Rename files
8. renice :- Alter priority of running processes
9. remsync :- Synchronize remote file via email
10. return :- Exit a shell function
11. rev :- Reverse lines of a file
12. rm :- Remove files
13. rmdir :- Remove folders
14. rsync :- Remote file copy  (Synchronize file tree)

1. screen :- Multiplex terminal, run remote shells via SSH
2. scp :- Secure copy (Remote file copy)
3. sidiff :- Merge two files interactively
4. sed :- Stream editor
5. select :- Accept keyboard input
6. seq :- Print numeric sequences
7. set :- Manipulate shell variable and functions
8. sftp :- Secure file transfer program
9. shift :- Shift positional parameters
10. shopt :- Shell options
11. shutdown :- Shutdown or restart linux
12. sleep :- Delay for a specified time
13. slocate :- Find files
14. sort :- Sort text files
15. source :- Run commands from a file
16. split :- Split a file into fixed-size pieces
17. ssh :- Secure shell client (remote login program)
18. strace :- Trace system calls and signals
19. su :- Substitute user identity
20. sudo :- Execute a command as another user
21. sum :- Print a checksum for a file
22. suspend :- Suspend execution of this shell
23. symlink :- Make a new name for a file
24. sync :- Synchronize data on disk with memory

1. tail :- Output the last part of file
2. tar :- Tape AChiver
3. tee :- Redirect out to multiple files
4. test :- Evaluate a condition exoression
5. time :- Measure program running time
6. times :- User and system time
7. touch :- Change the file timestamps
8. top :- List processes running on the system
9. traceroute :- Trace route to host
10. trap :- Run a command when a signal is set (bourne)
11. tr :- Translate, Squeeze, add/or delete characters
12. true :- Do nothing, successfully
13. tsort :- Topological sort
14. tty :- Print file name of terminal on stdin
15. type :- Describe a command

1. ulimit :- Limit user resources
2. umask :- Users file creation mask
3. umount :- Unmount a device
4. unalias :- Remove an alias
5. uname :- Print system information
6. unexpand :- Convert spaces to tabs
7. uniq :- Uniquify files
8. units :- Convert units from one scale to another
9. unset :- Remove variable or function names
10. unshar :- Unpact shell achive scripts
11. until :- Execute commands (until error)
12. uptime :- Show uptime
13. user add :- Create new user account
14. userdel :- Delete a user account
15. usermod :- Modify user account
16. users :- List users currently logged in
17. unencode :- Encode a binary file
18. undecode :- Decode a file created by unencode

1. v :- Verbosely list directory contents (ls-l-b)
2. vdir :- Verbosely list directory contents (ls-l-b)
3. vi :- Text Editor
4. vmstat :- Report virtual memory statistics

1. wait :- Wait for a process to complete
2. watch :- Execute/Display a program periodically
3. wc :- Print byte, word, and line counts
4. where is :- Search the user $path, man pages and source files for a program
5. which :- Search the users $path for a program file
6. while :- Execute commands
7. who :- Print all usernames currently logged in
8. whoami :- Print the current user id and name (id-un)
9. wget :- Retrive webpages or files via HTTP, HTTPS or FTP
10. write :- Send a message to another user

1. xargs :- Execute utility, passing constructed argument list (s)
2. xdg-open :- Open a file or url in the user's preferred application
3. yes :- Print a string until interrupted

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